What does CAYA Stand for?

Come As You Are

And we mean it.

We want you here, just as you are.

Support for children, youth, and young adults.

A line of hope for caregivers who are frustrated, optimistic, exhausted, confused, excited, completely at a loss, and all of the feelings in between.

A time for connection, empowerment, and skill building.

A holistic approach to development and growth, through occupational therapy.

Our hope is that time at CAYA isn’t a chore or another ‘appointment’, but is a highlight of your week. Maybe that’s similar to the feeling you get when you’re having coffee with a friend, or the feeling you get after a great exercise class, or maybe just a moment of rest in your ever-busy world. Our goal is that you’re able to show up on your good days and your bad days, when you feel put together and completely worn down. We want you here.